SBAC SCORES MAILED OUT ON NOVEMBER 11TH: Last spring your child participated in the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC) measuring his or her knowledge of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts and Mathematics. This was the first time Vermont students took the SBAC. Please check your mail for your child’s individual performance report which was mailed out from PAML on Wednesday, November 11th.
MANDATORY MIDDLE LEVEL WINTER SPORTS MEETING: If your student plans to play a winter sport, both of you will need to attend this mandatory meeting on Monday evening, November 16th, at 6:00pm in the auditorium.
ODWP ADMINISTRATION: On Tuesday morning, November 17th. PAML students will participate in the On Demand Writing Prompt (ODWP) which assesses writing skills. The ODWP assessments assist us in producing a literacy profile for your child. Ensure your child receives a good night’s sleep the night before this test and eats breakfast to fuel their body in preparation for this test.
HIGH FIVES HELMET PROTECTION PRESENTATION: All PAML students will be attending this excellent presentation regarding use of helmets when biking, blading, skiing and boarding. If your student participates in one of these sports, ask them about this presentation and the importance of wearing a helmet!
PAML DANCE on Friday, November 20th, 7:00-9:30pm, for 6th-7th-8th graders in the cafeteria. There is a sign-up sheet in the PAML Office if your child would like to bring a friend to the dance. As a reminder, your child’s guest must enter the dance with them.